Monday, June 23, 2008

Reflection - Final or She Won't Stop Talking

I return to my office today. After so much growth over the last few days, I am not sure I will still fit into the same rut I have been in. On the first day of class I was hesitant to speak my thoughts by the end the excitement of discovery had overwhelmed my reserved mindset. I became excited by the concept that class does not end when the teacher walks out the door or the lesson is complete. I continues through wikis, blogs and reflection on class material.

I need to be on a committee or in a discussion group. I need to share my ideas !!!!!.....Know where I can find one?

I will be inquiring today about a college survival class. I need the text, the lesson plans suggested and permission to release this class in summer. If I do not get permission, I have been thinking that it might be fun to do the college math review online. Since Snow College has no ACT score requirements for admittance, there are a few students that do not reach our high level of math readiness. Math teachers need to review for up to three weeks before getting to the core of the curriculum. By that time they have lost many of the students. I would have an online tutorial/class that would cover those three weeks. I would use a lot of screen and video capture to make the class more interactive and less boring. I will probably do both eventually anyway it is so exciting.

This is maybe my last Blog for this class. I will be starting a new blog to record the progress of my project.

Saturday, June 21, 2008

Back to the REAL world

Arrived back home late on Friday night. Enthusiasm faded quickly as a reality of dirty dishes and piles of clothes faced me. I'm sure our house must have been the site for several Xbox parties before my teenager left on his scout outing.

I talked to my son about his myspace account. He said girls were adding him as friends of friends and he really didn't like it. He felt that it was getting a little scary... It is nice to know that our kids can make great decisions in our absence...and all we have to do is listen.

I need desperately to hold on to momentum or I fear my burnout that overwhelmed me before the class, will return. With changing jobs during this last two weeks, my average work day is 10-12 hours per day. It will get better after the training is over and they hire someone to fill my old spot. I wouldn't have made the change, except this is the first time in eight years at the college that my job position required my bachelor degree in accounting and therefore, provided a way for me to become professional staff. The pay raise wasn't too bad either. It is however a really, really bad time with my commitment to finish the MED program.

So straight to the blackboard calendar to set goals and deadlines.

I'm eager to check with the Academic Advisement Center director on Monday on my ideas for a blended on-line class. We need to address the issue of starting the class in the summer. Can we still charge the tuition in Fall Semester? Otherwise, students may opt to not to take the class based on increased tuition.

Snow College is one of the few colleges without any admission standard. All you need to do is take the ACT and apply. It is an automatic acceptance. This class would help prepare many of our students, some with no study skills. It hopefully will increase retention, which is a problem with many variables and causes. Since the majority of the class would be completed before the beginning of fall classes, the students will have three added improvements that College Survival has not provided in the past.

First, students will gain the study skills that are needed before they start their first semester. Second, students will not be bogged down with extra coursework and study hours as part of a College Survival class during Fall Semester due to the fact that most of the coursework with be completed on-line during the summer. Finally, the students will be introduced to some of the technologies that I just learned. Hopefullly, students will begin to see their classmates as an additional resourses for study and colaboration. I will introduce these ideas on the student side and hope that it will catch on in other classes. It will definitely give them a head start with a better chance to succeed.

I hope that we will meet in person for only 2-3 classes. Wow, I should be saying this in my wiki, but I really don't want to share this idea with my Snow cohorts, until I receive approval. Is this OK?

I realize this class will not be ready to be introduced until next this a problem? Will I need to find a test group to provide feedback? A lot of questions...a then even more questions. Possibly, it can still be offered as an online course in Spring Semester also.

Friday, June 20, 2008

Thursday, June 19, 2008

June 19 - Almost done

Today my feelings were overwhelming. The project was difficult for me to do. When I arrived here at this class I had a lot of misconceptions about my topics. I listened in class and because of that I began to dig far deeper into my subjects. I learned so much more from that experience, more than I can put into one project.

I had a question about narrowing topics. I wonder, when I moderated did I make the mistake of narrowing the topic so tight it stifled creativity? I think that's what happened today, the questions were so narrow that only one path could be taken to the answer, guaranteeing one answer and only one.

I felt disappointed that I did not present my research today about the best way to evaluate students. I knew that several articles had mentioned that blogging, wikis and continuous posting from students was the best way to get a feel for class learning.

I became excited about the program again this week, I really would like to talk to Sandie and inquire more about the DLE program.

June 18 - Still Here

Today was the day I presented cost effectiveness of distance education with Lawrence. With a little extra preparation, things went smoothly. The smaller groups allowed participants the chance to discuss as a group more effectively. It was a very good experience. We learned about Breeze, a form of video conferencing. I had tried to find this program but had been hijacked to other parts of the web. It is nice to know what it does.

After lunch we covered wikis which later I realized there was a difference between wikis and blogs. Wikis is more of a shared memory or project. The end of the day did not end well. I saved my somewhat dubious podcast, only to find that it would be erased. I will need to redo my podcast and post it today. A another thing I learned about podcasting is that quality of beginning pictures are of top priority. My pictures were terrible, very discouraging. It has been a long night.

Tuesday, June 17, 2008

June 16-17 Class Begins

The first day was a nerve shattering experience. Believe it or not, the second day was just the opposite with a few minor changes. I fixed the problem of not being able to access my unwielding wad of paperwork. Note cards with key points helped me to focus my ideas and present them when needed. The funny part was by the third discussion the rules of engagement changed. We started using a chat to discuss faculty effectiveness and wow, what an experience. I was watching ideas flying faster than I could type. I felt like I needed to run for cover. In fact, I spend most of the time starting to type an idea, only to find the class discussion had already moved on. Ok, so the note card really didn't help as much in that particular discussion. I will try to email myself cut and paste ideas to lead the discussion on Wednesday on my topic. Hope it works.

Tueday started with an a discussion on intellectual properties and open courseware. Open courseware is fascinating. I must be living in the dark ages... why have a not heard of this before.
I need to explore through the class offerings more. I am still struggling with some confusion on copyrights and intellectual properties. The only thing for sure in this area is that I know now that I am really good at breaking them. Refer to handout from previous day on YouTube safety.

I am really fascinated with Brent's growing list of links. I need to get the list out when I get home and sift through all the new ideas and try some of the sites listed. IM is a great find.